You have selected to begin a new credit card application. Click the New Application button below to get started!
Here's an overview of how simple and easy it is to apply online with Farmers & Merchants Bank.
Begin Application - Begin by giving us some general information about your desired credit card.
Borrower Information - You can securely provide information about yourself and others who will be applying for the loan. We require general information for each applicant, including Social Security numbers so we can gather credit information. This helps us to accurately evaluate which loan programs meet your financing needs. We will also collect information that will allow us to authenticate your identity, making the origination process more secure for you.
Employment/Income/Assets - We gather general information about your employment, income you receive, and the type of deposit accounts - savings and checking - you currently hold.
Balance Transfer - If you have any balances on existing credit cards you'd like to transfer to the new card, you can provide that information through this application.
Submit - The final step of the application process!